Marriage Annulment in Texas

Legal Representation and Counsel for Annulment Cases

How Does Marriage Annulment Work?

While ending a marriage is extremely difficult, not every marriage has to end with divorce. A marriage annulment essentially wipes the slate clean as though you had never been married. If you would like to find out whether an annulment is right for you, please read below to learn more and contact Mark Morales & Associates in Georgetown to schedule a free consultation.

Annulment in Texas

Marital annulment is a legal process which treats a marriage as if it never occurred. In an annulment proceeding, the court seeks to return the two parties to the position they were in before the marriage took place. The state of Texas recognizes a few various situations for which an annulment may be granted. While an annulment may sound like a simple process, in reality, it can be much more complicated if there are other aspects to be considered, such as property rights or children.

Here are just some of the reasons that you might have grounds for annulment in Texas:

  • Fraud or misrepresentation
  • Incapacity due to intoxication
  • Inability to consummate the marriage
  • Underaged spouse
  • Incestuous marriage
  • Same-sex marriage
  • Mental illness or incapacity
  • Bigamy
  • Unlicensed officiant